Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30th, what a big day!

Seven years ago today I married my best friend and partner for this crazy life.  As I walked down the aisle I felt such joy and excitement about our life together.  We have had some adventures these last seven years with tremendous joys, difficult stressors and most importantly each other.  With each day I become more thankful that I married this man and that we are experiencing life together.   On our wedding day I was confident and trustful in the decision that we were making and I have not been disappointed.  Here is a look back to our wedding day, May 30, 2004.
Two short years later we were preparing for the arrival of our first child.  Allison Ruth Chaloupek came into the world at 8:36 am on May 30, 2006.  She became the center of our universe as she initiated us in the experience of being parents.  She has been a Daddy's girl from the start and our sweet angel has grown into a true little girl who loves pink, princesses, projects and going on (Daddy) dates. 
May 30th has become a day filled with excitement, presents, cake and filling Allison's every wish on her birthday.  As the day approaches I do not let it slip by that May 30th is also the day that I committed my life to my husband.  I knew on our wedding day that he would be the most wonderful father and he has far exceeded any expectation.  Our children adore him and he thrives on spending time with them and showering them with affection and his undivided attention.  I am humbled and grateful that Jason loves me so unconditionally and that our life together is filled with laughter, joking and is a true partnership.  I am reminded often that our relationship has grown and deepened as we are now the parents of two children with another on the way and that the trials we have been through together have only strengthened our bond to each other.   The mundane chores of the daily grind are fun with him by my side and he never fails to push me past my comfort zone to experience life to the fullest.  This day seven years ago I married my best friend and five years ago I became a mommy.   Today I celebrate two of the best days of my life!

1 comment:

  1. What a great day for you guys! Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to Allison!!
