Monday, July 11, 2011

Potty training

Jack will be three in a month and we are in the midst of potty training.  I have found that the bare bottom method has been most effective and am on the search for a pair of toddler boxers for public outings.  When he wears those cute little underoos with Mickey on the bottom, he proceeds to empty his bladder as if an absorbent pull up is awaiting its arrival.  He is learning to stand up like Daddy and is becoming more receptive to me telling him to go to the potty.  Although frequently I get the answer, "I don't need to." or "I already did."  Which he did go, only it was an hour ago and that is about the limit of his little bladder's capacity. 
As far as the backside is concerned, we are nowhere close.  He is becoming more aware of when his parents go, which is of no little embarrassment.  Especially when I have to appropriately divert his request to wipe...everyone.  As of right now, a swift wipe on the back cleans all the poo poo off!  We will reteach that lesson when it  becomes necessary.  He is proud of the sounds his body makes and laughs just like a man when he passes gas. 
Today he let one rip right as he was walking up the stairs and I was standing behind him.  I told him, "Jack your hiney is talking".  He looked back at me with all seriousness and said, "What is my hiney saying, Mama?"
We have approximately six weeks before our little Jack starts preschool and will be required to wear pants in his daily life and still manage to make it to the potty.  For his birthday he is getting a big boy back pack which I am sure will hold at least 3-4 pair of shorts.  That is my estimate for how many he will need for the first day, which is a whopping three hours long.  I was hopeful for a short minute that we may be free from diapers for a minute or two before this next baby is born.  I try not to pressure him and allow him to become more aware of his body functions, but I sure am tired of those first thing in the morning surprises! 

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