Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Just another day in paradise

I am trying to soak up the last few weeks of summer before the rush and chaos of the school year sets in.  Both of my children will be in school and the third will make her debut soon after to disrupt the rhythm of the schedule.  I have implemented a late afternoon nap time for myself, however I selfishly wrap the kids up in it as well.  We all three snuggle on the couch, Jack in front of me and Allison in the crook of my legs.  I take a 20-30 minute snooze while they watch an exciting episode of whatever PBS is playing at that time.  I figure it is educational and restorative.  I love the feel of their warm little bodies tucked into mine as we relax together.  I am not sure how we will reconfigure once there is a third little one fighting for space, but we will manage.
Usually as we are snuggling, Allison will ask if the baby is kicking.  Her favorite thing is to lay next to me with her hand on my belly and feel the baby kicks.  Occasionally I will get commentary from her of, "Wow, that was a big one." or "She is just being lazy today."  Jack likes to lean back on my belly which usually elicits a strong foot or arm feeling like it is ripping my insides in opposition to this big brother using her space as a recliner.  Jack doesn't quite have the patience to wait for the kicks and punches, but he does like to talk about how big my belly is now.  He knows that there is a little sister in my belly and that my belly is getting bigger.  By rational thought he has decided that he has a baby brother in his belly since his belly is big too.   He likes to compare and sticks that little gut out to show it off. 
Allison and Jack are both in a constant state of either maturation or regression.  Jack is getting closer and closer to being potty trained, however his nervous stutter gives away the internal stress he is feeling.  I think that his frequent melt downs are also related, but the poor kid has got to put it somewhere beside his pants by the first day of school!  Allison is sassy and smart mouthed, but also sweet and sensitive.  She is beginning to understand the concepts behind the discipline.  Today she explained to me in a revelation, "The more I follow directions, the more fun I get to have."  Exactly.  Hopefully that bit of knowledge sticks around for awhile.  She is more affectionate towards me than she has ever been.  I think it is the hormones I am emitting and her little care giving personality thriving off of them. 
Our days may seem redundant to those looking in.  The toilets need cleaning again, the floor has dog hair on it, and there are loads of laundry needing to be done.  I forgot to lock the car and got busted by the husband, I turned in a teacher request to the school, and shuttled to gymnastics.  I only raised my voice a few times today and managed to avoid yelling.  I also got to see the awe in my little boy's eyes as he looked at a bright shiny new bat.  I got to feel my little girls sweet hand in mine as she leaned her head up against my arm.  I held my children tight and got sweet kisses from them both.  I was reached for and needed today.  This is my paradise.