Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Ornaments

Well, we made it through the holiday season and had a pretty good time while we were at it.  We moved, got unpacked (well mostly) and had just enough time to buy gifts and get them under the tree.  Santa helped with the rest and we had a wonderful Christmas.  It is our Christmas Eve tradition to give ornaments that symbolize the year.

For Allison, a ballerina after a recital since she was so beautiful this year on stage.  She has decided that she wants to take ballet again! 

For Jack, a little soccer boy since he was a superstar on his soccer team this year.  He loved playing soccer and scored over 30 goals by our count!  Hopefully he will continue to show love for sports!

For me, Jason selected an ornament documenting the birth of our third child.  With everything that has changed and happened this year, our children are the most important things in our lives!

Emma got an ornament with her picture on it and her birth statistics on the back.  For Jason, I had an ornament made with the kids picture and the year on the back.  These babies are our joy and love.  I also gave him the "Love" ornament.  Through the ups and downs and chaos of this year, it is LOVE that drives us and him and all of our decisions.  And if we have love, the rest of the stuff doesn't matter. 

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