Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am tired of washing sheets and pants with pee on them.  No matter how carefully I fold the sheets and mattress pad together, I always manage to put my hand right on the pee spot as I am loading it into the washing machine.  Just now, as I got my little buddy undressed and ready for a midday bath I stepped back onto the pee soaked jeans he just napped in.  Awesome.  Kind of like the puddle of pee I discovered on the floor yesterday in the guest bathroom after I sat down on a very wet seat.  Lesson learned, natural light is not enough next time I will turn on the light.  I am beginning to smell wafts of piss in the air, like a sixth sense of mommyhood.
Our little man is backsliding in a big way in the potty department.  It started after Christmas and has snowballed since then.  He is sporadic with the gifts in the pull up in the morning and no bribe has been convincing enough to return to regular deposits in the potty.  He is peeing his pants again. The most common occurrence is while he is playing.  He just doesn't want to stop to take the potty break.  So you know, it is cool to pee your pants and just keep running.  He gets quite a bit more play time in the backyard before one of us notices that the front of his pants are soaked.  
The frustrating part is that he just doesn't care.  Ball of poop on his hiney, no biggie.  Wet pants in 60 degree weather while he is running outside, not a care.  If his shoe is squishy that gets his attention.  But he just asks for new shoes, not new pants.  Accident while napping, score a mid day bathtub party.  I wish I knew the key to this little boy's motivation.  He is the sweetest and most loving little person who is striving to keep some control in his little world.  I just wish bodily functions were not the way he has decided to retaliate against us, his parents. 
We brought home a new baby who has taken his place in Mommy's arms.  Poop in the pants for that one.  A new home in a new city, take that mom I'm peeing in my pants.  New school and having to make new friends, order up some pee on the floor for those strikes. 
One day Jack will read this and be mortified that I put out a narrative of his backsliding of potty training.  I deal daily in the business of poop and pee and as long as it is happening regularly, I am a happy mommy.  However, I want it regularly happening in the place it belongs.


  1. Great writing! You had me laughing out loud.

  2. Boys! I know your frustration, but couldn't help but laugh and smile at the beauty of life's passage. You are so right...years for now, looking back on these now daily struggles will bring joy and laughter. Just know hat you aren't alone! ...wait...what's that smell in the air? Have to run ;)

  3. Auto correct...sorry for the typos ;)
